TwoScots Turns 11: The life changing magic of tidying up

Month: March 2021

TwoScots Turns 11: The life changing magic of tidying up

Sometimes throwing stuff away can feel difficult as we attach such emotional significance to items than transport you back to a specific moment or time period in your life. So, when we decided to do a complete overhaul of our office it felt even more poignant to do it as we brought in our 11th year. Whilst also really challenging our Director, Jason, who famously does NOT like to throw

Making new memories: TwoScots takes on the summit

When you think business retreat what do you envisage? Executives in a generic conference room somewhere otherwise exotic? How about a digital nomad at a coworking space amongst palm trees whilst submerged in a lap pool? Well for TwoScots it was something pretty different. Whilst we did indulge in some luxury - major shout out to the villa with two pools, a hot tub, cinema and pool rooms. We decided