Advice from a Recruiter: How to job hunt in the current market

Month: March 2022

Advice from a Recruiter: How to job hunt in the current market

The job market is completely saturated with opportunities at the moment which may seem like a professional’s dream but it can also make a career search overwhelming. So how do you make sure you’re choosing the right position, business and work practices to suit your life and avoid the dreaded buyer's remorse? Well, a little bit of prep and market understanding here goes a long way - not to mention

A spotlight on the women of TwoScots

It can be hard to stand out in the maelstrom of conversation about workplace diversity and specifically women in the workplace. So instead, we’d like to spotlight some of the amazing women who work within TwoScots to find out what being a professional woman means to them. We’re proud to have a team of such determined and ambitious people and our women both head that up and inspire the rest

Rediscovering the purpose of passion

There’s conversation in the zeitgeist at the moment about passions and how they interact with work. The posing question being; does work need to encapsulate your every passion or can it just be a place you go to earn a salary? Personally, we think that’s too black and white and infers that people only have one passion. As much as I might love cooking, I’ve never aspired to be a