Recruitment Insights From TwoScots


Recruitment Insights From TwoScots

Navigating the Recruitment Landscape: Insights and Solutions from TwoScots Recruitment At TwoScots Recruitment, we’re committed to understanding the evolving needs of job seekers and employers alike. In our quest to enhance the recruitment experience, we’ve gathered some eye-opening statistics that shed light on the challenges and preferences of today’s job seekers. Here’s a closer look at what our findings reveal and how we’re addressing these key areas. The Challenges Job

Recruiting, Melbourne Style: A Year in Review (So Far)

Well, we can’t believe it's almost May, how time flies! So we really wanted to give you a wee update on how 2024 has gone so far for TwoScots. Introducing Some New Faces to the Team! Say hello to our newest faces: Emma Macciotta, who is new to our Payroll division; Cara Finnerty, who has joined our Qualified Accounting division; Katie Gray, who has joined Accounting Support; and Ramona Hart,

Advice from a recruiter: How to retain staff in a difficult market

  In our conversations with the market we often focus on how to best enable your career mobility - whether that’s by finding a new opportunity or building a fantastic team. Whilst that is obviously a crucial part of any individual career journey, so too is how to retain staff in a market directed by competition and extremely high levels of demand for the best staff. As the fight for

Advice from a recruiter: How to sell yourself on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has over 756 million members (and counting) and is arguably one of the best places to start when you’re looking to take the next step in your career. So, what’s the problem? Well, marketing and selling yourself on the platform can seem really tough in a world where everybody seems to be a self-designated ‘guru’, ‘ninja’ or other vague and quirky title. If what you really need is a

Diversity in the Workplace: Navigating pronouns in a professional setting

I’ll say it, I’m overwhelmed by buzzwords. It’s so difficult when really important causes become exhausted by an abundance of resources which replicate each other. So, when a moghul like Instagram makes a huge active change such as a feature which enables people to share their pronouns in a simple and transparent way it really cuts through and reminds us of why this is so important. Especially in discussions of

TwoScots Turns 11: The life changing magic of tidying up

Sometimes throwing stuff away can feel difficult as we attach such emotional significance to items than transport you back to a specific moment or time period in your life. So, when we decided to do a complete overhaul of our office it felt even more poignant to do it as we brought in our 11th year. Whilst also really challenging our Director, Jason, who famously does NOT like to throw

Moving to Australia? Too easy! Here’s how Giles, Leading Senior Consultant nailed it

The temptation to move to greener pastures, even if only temporarily, is not a new one. For generations, Melbourne has attracted millions of residents from all over the world after being labelled the World’s Most Liveable City consistently in global rankings. But, after the sense of adventure has worn off it can feel pretty disorienting to find yourself in a new city with few contacts and little knowledge about how

A wee TwoScots charity update

In true TwoScots fashion, we’ve had one hell of a sprint in the last week. We’ve smashed our $20k fundraising target with a knees up trivia night and then, far more seriously, with four of our employees running the Melbourne Marathon.