TwoScots Takes Two with Todd Shand, CFO of Cricket Australia
Posted July 1, 2019
#wegiveascot about chatting with people who inspire us. For this edition of TwoScots Takes 2, we spoke with Todd Shand, the CFO of Cricket Australia. Todd is a fellow Glaswegian who moved over here 11 years ago. He joined Cricket Australia 9 years ago and he has progressed through the ranks from Financial Controller to Head of Finance to his current role as CFO.
Chatting with Todd was both interesting and refreshing – not only can we talk about the home country and reminisce about growing up in Glasgow but we both love our jobs and love life in Melbourne, plus Todd is highly passionate about the positive impact Cricket makes and how it unites and inspires communities.
We started our conversation talking about his role and the challenges it possesses as well as how he keeps his finger on the pulse both within his career and within his team. We finished off discussing the world of Cricket and Todd’s excitement with the forthcoming Men’s and Women’s ICC T20 World Cup’s coming to Australia next year.
Now, over to our chat…